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  • Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated. But we are initiated aren't we, Bruce? Members of the League of Shadows. And you betrayed us.

    Do you feel in charge?

    It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our plan.

  • Ooh, you think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark, I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was already a man. By then there was nothing to be but blinded.

    So you came back to die with your city!

  • I'm Gotham's reckoning. It'll end the ball of damns you've all been living on. A necessary evil.

    Peace has cost you your strength. Victory has defeated you.

  • Every man who has lotted here over the centuries, has looked up to the light and imagined climbing to freedom. So easy, so simple! And like shipwrecked men turning to seawater foregoing uncontrollable thirst, many have died trying. And then here there can be no true despair without hope. So as I terrorize Gotham, I will feed its people hope to poison their souls. I will let them believe that they can survive so that you can watch them climbing over each other to stay in the sun. You can watch me torture an entire city. And then when you've truly understood the depth of your failure, we will fulfill Ra's Al Ghul's destiny. We will destroy Gotham. And then, when that is done, and Gotham is... ashes Then you have my permission to die.
  • It will be extremely painful... for you

    Citizens, take control. Take control of your city!

    I am the League of Shadows.

    Search him. Then I will kill you.

    Ah yes! I was wondering what would weight first. Your spirit... or your body?

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